Sunday, 11 May 2008

An end to the first year...

As of March 30th 2008 this little project had reached the end of a year's worth of scrounging, finding and discovering the discarded monetary scraps of the British (and Canadian for 5 days) population.

Between my last post and the end of March another £3.68 and strangely 7 euro cents.

This has brought the total of the 2007/08 project to a surprising £34.90 with an additional $0.02Can and €0.12. As yet I'm still to decide upon a charity to donate to but will post here once I've sent them the money.

I've decided to carry this project on for another year simply out of curiosity. As the dreaded 'credit crunch' hits the world markets I'm interested to see if the amount of florr currency dwindles as people keep a closer eye on their own pockets and possibly be more inclined to pick up Street Change themselves as the belts are tightened.

Since March 30th a paltry total of £0.44 has been found on the streets of Bournemouth and London. Let's see how that total grows over another year...